Misinformation & Covid19 – an African perspective

Monday 4 October: 16.30-17.55: The lecture can be attended online, via this link.

Slides for the lecture are here.

“Misinformation & Covid19 in an African perspective”, by/ Herman Wasserman, University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa, SA. UCT is a partner of DMJX and the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme. He is currently a visiting professor in Houston, Texas, USA.

Herman Wasserman is professor of Media Studies. He will will take us through the latest insights on how misinformation has framed the Covid-19 pandemic, seen from an African perspective.
Read about the lecturer here and here.

Here are materials for preparation:

Article written by the lecturer, feb.2021: https://theconversation.com/public-trust-in-the-media-is-at-a-new-low-a-radical-rethink-of-journalism-is-needed-155257?

Interview with prof. Wasserman about “the infodemic“, July 2020.

Browse, get an overview, read the About section and check the News on the project website: http://disinfoafrica.org/

Article from Int.Journal of Communication, 2021: https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/14801/3378. (Read pages 1200-1206 and 1214-125.)

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