Visit from Istanbul – April 2024

About Heidi Plougsgaard:

Ms Plougsgaard is a staff correspondent working for daily Jyllands-Posten, among the largest Danish newspapers and news sites, with a range of sub-publications and sister-sites.

She is currently situated in and working out of Istanbul, Turkey, but has also been a correspondent in London, Brussels, California. She has covered and reported from many countries, and also covered the 2020 presidential elections in the US.

Heidi has agreed to talk about:

“The daily work as a correspondent – both onsite reportage and desk reporting.

Including how to prepare, follow the news flow, and communication with the newsroom.”

(in Danish:

“Arbejdet i det daglige som korrespondent, både med reportage og med at lave ‘desk reporting’.

Dvs også om, hvordan man forbereder sig, overvåger nyhedsstrømmen, og hvordan du kommunikerer med redaktionen.”)

Here are 3 blocks with some examples of Heidi’s work. In Danish, but google will assist you in the translation.

From Turkey about LGBT issues in the country:

From Kosovo about the ethnic tensions:

From Turkey about Halal hotels:

 – – –

Recent work, incl from Israel after the start of the war in Gaza:

About Turkey’s export of popular tv programs:

About the Taiwan earthquake (desk reporting from Istanbul).

About Jerusalem, on-site:

About Israel’s military industry:

About Israel’s kibbutz issues:

From Feb 2023 after the earthquake:

Heidi now reporting from the disaster affected areas. This shows smth about the work obligations and freedoms of correspondents: Sometimes, something big happens, and you just have to go.

In some of the articles, she is co-working with other journalists sitting in the Copenhagen or Aarhus office; this allows her to focus on the reporting eyes-and-ears tasks, while her colleauges back home can do the phoning, emailing, and surveilling of news agencies and press releases, plus the domestic angles.



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