Reporting conflict and war in modern times – case Ukraine and Afghanistan


Kevin Williams is professor emeritus from Swansea University, Wales. 
He is a ‘founding father’ of the Erasmus Mundus journalism programme, and a close longterm relative of DMJX.

In this lecture “Reporting conflict and war in modern times“, Professor Williams will discuss the challenges of War and Conflict reporting in contemporary media conditions – the pressures on the modern war reporter – but with perspective to war reporting dating centuries back. All based on his vast knowledge and profound analyses of warfare, journalism and their interdependence.

The lecture is based on the most recent and thought-provoking analysis of the coverage of the Russian invasion in Ukraine and last year’s fall of Kabul.

Look forward! You will learn from one of the best in the field!

Be ready! It’s going to be concrete, condense and controversial.

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Participants should in advance think about (and write down):
What is your main source of information about war in Ukraine.
– Why is it ‘trustworthy‘ in your opinion, and:
– Two or thee characteristics of the reporting of the war in your country; two or three features which stand out and why. 

From YouTube to watch: “Separatist commander killed in Ukraine’s Donetsk while evacuating civilians”:

Ressources to take look at:
Thomson Foundation’s 2015 handbook “Ukraine. Reporting conflict”: Download here.
OSCE Ukraine’s 2016 handbook “Conflict sensitive journalism”: Download here.

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Isis, the war in Syria and the dangers facing freelance journalists | Guardian Explainers/

Christiane Amanpour on Regrets in War Reporting in African conflicts/

Correspondent Details Dangers of Reporting in Iraq

What News Organizations Get Wrong About Conflict Reporting, According To A Veteran War Reporter/

Additional reading, suggestions: Books by prof. Williams:
Reporting War & Conflict, 2018, Harris & Williams:
A New History of War and Conflict, 2019, Williams:

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