Tuesday 5 October: 9.15-10.30: Location: DMJX campus Århus, room 2.28.
“The state of the state” by/ Jean Monnet-professor Hans-Henrik Holm, DMJX.
(please read pages 72-84 of the 2021 WEF risks report beforehand).
The corona crisis has exposed the importance of leadership and trust, and has similarly exposed a difficult situation for the media:
How to be critical and build trust at the same time.
The lecture will raise this important issue for all of us.
Hans-Henrik Holm is Jean Monnet Professor, and professor emeritus of DMJX. Professor Holm has been a driving force behind the internationalisation of DMJX and the creation of our worldwide network, and is a ‘founding father’ behind two flagship international programmes: the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme and the Europe in the World programme.
Although officially retired from his position at the school, he is still active in different roles, a.o. serving as chair of the advisory board for Nordic Journalism Center.