Tuesday 5 October: 9.15-10.30: Location: DMJX campus Århus, room 2.28.“The state of the state” by/ Jean Monnet-professor Hans-Henrik Holm, DMJX. (please read pages 72-84 of the 2021 WEF risks report beforehand).The corona crisis has exposed the importance of leadership and trust, and has similarly exposed a difficult situation for the media: How to be critical…Continue Reading The state of the state – and the media’s “critical trust” dilemma
Elections in Russia – voters, media, and a new era
Monday 18 October: 9.15-10.45:. See info about literature below. “Russian State Duma election 2021: a turning point?”. * What happened at September’s elections to the 450 seats Russian parliament? * Are demonstrations, pressure and opposition this time different? * Why is the public perception of reality and politics so different, depending on age, education and…Continue Reading Elections in Russia – voters, media, and a new era