Gender in the newsroom – bias, stereotypes, glass ceiling

Gender in the newsroom – bias, glass ceiling, and stereotypes”, by/ Jad Melki, asso.professor, LAU Beirut. Room 3.16.

We are proud of once again being able to welcoming associate Professor Jad Melki from Lebanon to Aarhus, This time on-site!

In this lecture “Gender in the newsroom – bias, glass ceiling, and stereotypes, Professor Melki will share insights about the role and traditions concerning men’s and women’s positions in the news media – and how this affects news flow, stereotypes and the politics in the Middle East and beyond.
Jad Melki will suggest solutions, actions and changed attitudes.
As a bonus, we will also discuss how reporters have different advantages, depending on their sex – for example in war areas, demonstrations and conflict zones.

These journal articles will prepare you for the lecture by Jad Melki:

Bonus material, optional reading below here:

link to SOFJO resources:


here is a link to a conference/ online seminar, from 2021, interesting content!! about the newsrooms etc.

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